你可以使用下面的模板作为起点来创建你的创业计划或规划你将如何扩展你现有的业务. 然后去见一个 皇冠现金官网的导师 to get expert business planning advice and feedback on your business plan.
如果你觉得写一份完整的商业计划太难了,那就从一页纸的商业模型画布开始吧. Developed by Founder and CEO of Strategyzer, Alexander Osterwalder, it can be used to easily document your business concept.
- 价值主张
- 客户群体
- 客户关系
- 渠道
- 关键活动
- 关键资源
- 主要合作伙伴
- 成本结构
- 收入来源
For help completing the Business Model Canvas Template, 联系SCORE业务导师 为指导
From creating a startup budget to managing 现金流 for a growing business, keeping tabs on your business’s 金融s is essential to success. 下面的模板将帮助你监控和管理公司的财务状况, create financial projections and seek financing to start or grow your business.
A 12-month profit and loss projection, also known as an 损益表 or statement of earnings, provides a detailed overview of your financial performance over a one-year period. 这种预测通过估算每月的收入和支出来帮助你预测未来的财务结果, which facilitates informed decision-making and strategic planning.
如果你想从银行获得贷款,他们可能会要求你提供个人财务报表. 你可以使用这个免费的、可下载的模板来记录你的资产、负债和净值.
市场营销可以帮助您的企业建立品牌知名度,吸引客户并建立客户忠诚度. Use these templates to forecast 销售, develop your 市场营销 strategy and map out your 市场营销 budget and plan.
你的生意有多健康? 你是否错过了潜在的增长机会或忽视了薄弱环节? Do you need to hire employees to reach your goals? 以下模板将帮助您评估业务状态并完成重要的管理任务.
Whether you are starting your business or established and looking to grow, our Business Healthcheck Tool will provide practical information and guidance.
SCORE offers free business mentoring to anyone that wants to start, 目前拥有, or is planning to close or sell a small business. To initiate the process, input your zip code in the designated area below. 然后, complete the mentoring request form on the following page, including as much information as possible about your business. This information is used to match you with a mentor in your area. 提交请求后, 您将收到您的导师的电子邮件,以安排您的第一次指导会议.